SEC Restores Power after Severe Weather Causes Widespread Outages
December 12th, 2017

AAA1             AAA2

CREWE, Va – As of Monday at 4:10 P.M., all known storm-related outages have been restored after a Dec. 8-9 snowstorm moved across Southside Electric Cooperative’s (SEC) territory.

The storm brought wet snow, impacting trees and power lines with falling and leaning trees breaking equipment and infrastructure. The heavy wet snow stuck to the power lines like ice, causing outages not only as it built up, but also as it fell free. The result was visits to an unusually large number of outage locations to restore power.

At the peak of the event, SEC experienced more than 600 outages, causing more than 10,000 members to lose power.

Joining SEC’s full-time linemen in the power restoration efforts were three contractor crews and mutual aid crews from neighboring cooperatives.

Contractor crews were Lee Electrical, Rocky Creek Tree Service and Davis H. Elliot Inc.

Mutual aid crews included Virginia co-ops Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) and B.A.R.C. Electric Cooperative (BARC), along with Jacksonville, N.C.-based Jones-Onslow Electric Membership Corporation (JOEMC).

Southside Electric Cooperative is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative that serves over 55,000 homes and businesses in portions of 18 counties in central and southern Virginia. Headquartered in Crewe, SEC has district offices in Altavista, Crewe, Dinwiddie and Powhatan.

Contact: Ronald O. White
V.P., Member & Public Relations | (434) 645-3211